Northwest onion suppliers continue to raise prices in an effort to extend storage stocks. Mexican onions (crossing into South Texas) are increasing.
- Northwest storage onion volume will be depleted earlier than normal
- Idaho/Oregon onions will ship into April; supply typically runs into May
- Utah stocks will be depleted in early to mid-March (similar to recent years)
- The Washington supply will begin to wind down in early April; stocks ordinarily run into May
- Quality is sporadic in remaining storage onions; occasional internal defects such as translucency, dryness, and watery scale may be seen
- Mexican onion pricing is elevated, but will ease as volume climbs
- Ideal weather is forecast for the Tampico growing region, with no rain predicted over the next few weeks
- Onions have feathery skins and light color/exterior skins compared to Northwest storage onions (photos attached)
- Texas-grown onions will enter the market in early March
- California/Imperial Valley onions are estimated to start shipping in mid-April
- The New Mexico season will begin in early June
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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