Imported Navel oranges have begun arriving into ports on both coasts; volume will rise over the next three to four weeks. Limited quantities of Mexican lemons will begin to ship out of South Texas by mid-August.
- Chilean fruit is being shipped into the West Coast while South African supplies are available on the East Coast
- 113-count and larger pack sizes dominate availability
- Import palletization:
- 80 cases per pallet Box weight are 33 pounds per case.
- Import count will be consistent (88-count cases will contain 88 pieces of fruit)
- Domestic Valencia palletization
- 54 cases per pallet
- Box weight is 40 pounds
- Domestic count will be consistent (113-count cases will contain 113 pieces of fruit)
- Initial imported orange quotes are $5.00-$8.00 higher (FOB/port of loading) than remaining California supplies; this spread will close as California supplies wind down and prices rise
- Quality is good
Imported Lemons
- Supplies are arriving from Argentina (East Coast), Chile (East and West Coasts), and Mexico (Texas)
- Palletization:
- 72 cases per pallet
- Box weight is 40 pounds (comparable quantity to domestic cartons)
- Quality is very good
- Palletization:
- Size is dominated by 140-count and larger fruit; smaller sizes (200- to 235-count lemons) are tight
- Import count will be consistent (140-count box will contain 140 pieces of fruit)
- Mexican lemons will cross into South Texas in a very limited way by mid-August
- Import lemon pricing is expected to follow Arizona and California markets
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