Bell pepper demand exceeds supply this week. Markon First Crop (MFC) and Markon Essentials (ESS) Green and Red Bell Peppers are available; packer label may be substituted as necessary.
Green Bells
- The California Hollister/Gilroy season is coming to an end; volume is very limited as suppliers transition to the Imperial Desert
- The desert supply is tighter this year than in the past due to drought/water restrictions
- Quality is very good with extra-large sizes trending
- Georgia and North Florida production has improved after last week’s cold weather
- Volume is expected to decrease significantly in November as many central Florida crops were damage by Hurricane Ian
- Central Mexico has limited supply crossing in south Texas
- Expect markets to increase over the next week
Red Bells
- The California coastal regions are experiencing cooler overnight temperatures hindering the ripening process; supply is limited
- Quality is very good
- The Coachella season is expected to start the third week of November
- Central Mexico has tight volume due to recent cool weather
- Canadian greenhouse production is tight due to reduced sunlight; sizing is dominated by large and mediums size peppers
- Expect prices to climb in November until the desert crop is established
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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