Navel oranges continue to be in good supply; markets are steady. Recent rainfall in the San Joaquin Valley will hinder production. Expect markets to rise slightly over the next two weeks. Cara Cara Navels are now available; Blood Orange availability will start next week.
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Navel Oranges are available
- Volume is strong out of the Central Valley
- Smaller sizing will decrease as rainfall increases overall crop size prior to harvest; supplies are ample
- More rain is expected in the valley this coming Friday and Saturday
- Quality is excellent; average brix levels of 11.5-12 and less than 48 hours of gas time for color is being reported
Cara Cara Navels
- Supplies are currently available in the San Joaquin Valley
- Cara Cara Navels have the outer appearance of an Orange Navel but contain a seedless interior and a rich, pink hue
- Initial markets show larger sizes having similar pricing to regular Orange Navels; smaller sizes (88-count to 138-count) are commanding $2.00-$5.00 higher
Blood Oranges
- Expect availability to start next week
- Blood oranges have a deep maroon interior with an orange to orange/red blushed exterior
- They have a distinct orange taste with hints of berry and are easy to peel
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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