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December 16, 2022

Green leaf, iceberg, and romaine supplies are increasing in the Arizona and California desert growing regions.

Green Leaf

  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Premium Green Leaf is readily available out of the Arizona and California Desert growing region
  • Quality is very good; wind and lettuce ice damage, on outer leaves, is being trimmed during harvest
  • Markets are weaker and will continue to decline in the coming weeks
  • Supplies out of Florida are ample and will continue through early April, baring a weather event
  • Expect the market to remain weak as supplies pick up in California and Arizona


  • MFC Premium Iceberg is sporadic in the Arizona and California Desert growing region; MBA is being substituted as needed due to low case weights
  • Quality is good; epidermal blister and peel is being observed in some lots due to lettuce ice events
  • Weights have improved from prior weeks, but are anticipated to decline next week due to multiple days of lettuce ice
  • Despite continued cold weather, markets are weaker as supplies are picking up and getting closer to meeting demand
  • Iceberg is also available in South Texas; prices are slightly weaker and will continue to follow the California/Arizona markets
  • Florida supplies are limited and not expected to increase until mid-January


  • MFC Premium Romaine is being packed regularly in the Arizona and California Desert growing regions; MBA is being substituted as needed due to low case weights
  • Quality is very good; fringe burn and epidermal blister/peel are present in some lots
  • Markets will weaken further as supplies pick up in California and Arizona
  • Florida supplies are ample and will be available through April, barring a weather event

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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