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June 22, 2023


  • Production is winding down in Oxnard, California; supplies are expected to be depleted this week
  • The Salinas season has started in a light way; harvests are currently limited due to planting delays and cold weather that has impeded growth
  • Expect active markets through mid-July, at minimum


Markets are rising as the California desert season comes to an end. Poor weather in Georgia has decreased East Coast volume.

  • California desert region growers have finished their month-long spring season
    • Expect snug supplies until early July
    • Cooler weather and rain has delayed Northern California production by two weeks
  • Georgia fields have experienced severe storms with 60 MPH winds this week, postponing harvests
  • Flexibility ordering white and bi-color corn is recommended at this time
  • Expect higher markets over the next two weeks

From the Fields: Salinas Valley Iceberg Lettuce Update

Last week the Salinas Valley lettuce industry ran into a drop in iceberg lettuce case weights due to a couple factors, abnormally cool temperatures reducing plant maturity, and delayed plantings back in mid-March to early April when the last of the heavy rain events created soil conditions too wet for growers to plant and cultivate their fields.

Some 24ct liner lettuce cases have been weighing as low as 33-35 lb., but the average case weights have been ranging from 38-43 lb. Markon Best Available (MBA) has been substituted for Markon First Crop (MFC) when fields that are not meeting MFC weight specifications. Apart from the light weights, which are expected to continue through this week, iceberg lettuce quality is very good.

Markon inspectors are working with suppliers to secure the best quality and yields available and will update further as needed.

Green Beans

Green bean markets are active due to recent weather affecting growing regions on both coasts. Ready-Set-Serve (RSS) Trimmed Green Beans are limited; packer label is being substituted as needed.

  • California harvests are below normal due to unusual weather patterns and a slow start to the season
    • Quality is average; excess moisture is a concern
    • Size is smaller than normal
  • Georgia production will run for another 7-10 days
    • Recent rainstorms have shortened the season
    • Quality challenges and shortened shelf-life are big concerns
  • Harvesting will start in Illinois on June 26; however, inclement weather during planting will affect overall yields
  • Production will begin in Ohio and Michigan on July 4
  • Mexico will continue to ship limited yields in June as growers transition to new regions; higher volume is anticipated in July
  • Overall supplies will be limited and markets will be higher over the next two to three weeks


MFC Norkotah Potatoes will be depleted by the end of this week. MFC Burbanks will be available for the remainder of the storage season.

Storage Crop

  • Large sizes (40- through 70-count potatoes) are sufficient; smaller sizes (100- through 6 oz. No. 2 supplies) are tight
  • Quality remains great for both varieties; pack-outs favor No. 1 quality, with limited No. 2 availability
  • Burbank stocks are expected to ship through late July/early August
  • Washington supplies will be depleted by mid-July

New Crop

  • Idaho:
    • Harvesting is expected to begin in late August (one week later than normal start date mid-August)
    • The bulk of production will start the first week of September
  • Washington:
    • Production will start in late July (one week later than usual start date mid-July)


Cooler weather on the West Coast continues to slow production. Yellow squash demand exceeds supply.

  • Yields are limited in the Santa Maria, California growing region due to cool weather (mid- to high 60s) and past rains delaying early plantings
    • Yellow squash supplies are extremely  tight
  • Weather in Santa Maria is expected to improve next week
  • Forecasts call for temperatures in the mid-70s which will increase production
  • Baja harvesting is light; limited supplies are crossing through the port of entry in Otay Mesa, California
  • The Mexican growing region of Sonora is effectively done for the season due to hot weather impacting quality
  • Georgia yellow squash markets are higher this week due to last week’s rains
  • East Coast stocks have begun to regionalize for the summer with both Georgia and North Carolina now up and running
  • Expect Virginia, Kentucky, and New Jersey to follow in the coming weeks
  • Yellow squash markets will continue to rise
  • Zucchini prices are steady; stocks are adequate

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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