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August 3, 2023


Storage crop Washington Markon First Crop (MFC) Gala and Red Delicious Apples remain available. The Washington MFC Fuji, Granny Smith, and Golden Delicious seasons are beginning to wind down. Michigan apples are readily available.

  • Size substitutions may be necessary for Washington Fuji, Granny Smith, and Golden Delicious Apple order coverage until new crop harvesting begins
    • Few smaller-sized (125- to 175- count) apples remain available in storage
    • Prices have increased
  • Michigan apple volume remains high
    • Seasonal yields are well-above average
    • Ideal weather conditions this past spring and summer produced an abundant crop


Blueberry volume is declining, while blackberry and raspberry supplies remain limited.


  • Supplies will remain scarce through next week
  • Quality is fair with some berries exhibiting softness, bleeding, and red cell
  • The fall Watsonville, California season is off to a very slow start due to lower-than-normal temperatures
  • Volume is expected to increase in Santa Maria, California over the next 10-14 days
  • Pacific Northwest stocks are tight but will increase by mid-August to help supplement California shortages
  • Improved quality and more abundant supplies are expected by August 21


  • Pacific Northwest supplies are ample; fruit quality is exceptional
  • Michigan blueberries will ship through August; quality is excellent
  • New Jersey volume is low
  • The North Carolina season has ended
  • Overall supply levels are lower than normal; prices are slowly increasing in all regions


  • California supplies are diminishing
    • The Oxnard and Santa Maria seasons are winding down
    • Watsonville production is slow due to cool, wet mornings but is steadily increasing
  • Supplies will continue to remain limited over the next 10 to 14 days; markets are elevated
  • Quality is good with some lots exhibiting occasional softness

Brussels Sprouts

MFC and Ready-Set-Serve (RSS) Brussels Sprouts are limited; packer label is being substituted to fill orders. Supplies in the Salinas Valley remain extremely limited, pushing markets higher. Prices are expected to remain elevated for the next three weeks, at minimum.  


  • Stocks are limited
  • Late season quality issues continue to reduce yields


  • Production is winding down in Oxnard
  • Salinas Valley crops remain two to three weeks behind schedule due to heavy rainfall and cold weather throughout the growth cycle
  • Size profile is dominated by small-sized sprouts as growers continue harvest immature fields


Celery markets continue to decline as supplies increase in the Salinas Valley.


  • Santa Maria production continues year-round; the current size profile is dominated by large 24-count stalks
  • Salinas harvests continue to increase as the season progresses; warm weather is promoting growth
  • Quality is excellent; stalks are firm with ideal color
  • Production will continue through November


  • Harvest is underway and product is available
  • Volume is less than the West Coast; overall markets are low and steady
  • Expect production to continue through October

Chipping Potatoes

Summer chipping potato supplies are winding down. The Northwest season is expected to get underway in mid-August.

  • Growers in Arizona, California, and New Mexico are nearing the end of their summer crop
    • Raw product size is small
    • Pack-outs will be closer to the eight-ounce minimum size; large potatoes are limited
  • Growers in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington will begin the fall storage crop harvest in mid-August; supplies and size will increase once new crop production gets underway


The Mexican grape season is wrapping up and the industry is starting to ship California-grown fruit. The Red Flame variety will be limited over the next three weeks. In order to fill all orders, the Sweet Bond black seedless variety will be substituted in portioned packs and destemmed grapes.

  • Growers are transitioning from Mexico to California this week
  • MFC California Red Flame Grapes will be packed through today; moving forward, the darker color Sweet Bond variety be substituted in supplier label Lunch Bunch cartons and 4/5-pound destemmed packs through August 26
  • California-grown MFC Lunch Bunch Grapes will start shipping in late August

Green Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine Lettuce

Ample supplies of green leaf and romaine persist, keeping markets low. Iceberg yields are sufficient; though demand has increased on the West Coast due to rain challenging the Eastern Seaboard growing areas.

Green Leaf and Romaine

  • MFC Premium Green Leaf and Romaine is available; Markon Best Available (MBA) is being substituted as needed
  • Harvest crews are trimming heads to avoid insect damage, wind damage, and mildew
  • Most lots continue to exhibit some internal burn issues
  • Markets are expected to remain at low levels over the next 7-10 days


  • MFC Premium Iceberg is currently being packed; MBA is being substituted as needed
  • Harvest crews are culling heads with sclerotinia, bottom rot, and mildew
  • Iceberg demand is focused strongly on the West Coast; extreme weather has hampered regional growing regions across the Eastern US and Canada
  • Markets are expected to remain elevated through the first two weeks of August before easing as available acreage increases


MFC Onions will hit the market at the end of this week. MFC California and New Mexico Onion seasons are beginning to wind down.


  • MFC Onion growers in Idaho and Washington will begin yellow onion production Thursday and Friday of this week
  • Red onions will start in a limited manner next week; overall production will ramp up the week of August 14
  • Colorado and Utah-grown onions will hit the market after the Labor Day weekend
  • Healthy onion crops and strong yields are expected this upcoming storage season; weather has been excellent for growing up to this point


  • Supplies will be shipped through mid-August; a limited number of sheds will continue to ship until the end of August
  • Onion quality is sufficient despite a recent heat wave
  • Markets have eased with the start of the northwest season approaching

New Mexico

  • Most growers will end their seasons by the end of next week with a few sheds trickling into the week of August 21
  • New Mexico has also experienced hot weather; quality is adequate in remaining stocks

Pricing has decreased as a result of the northwest season starting up this week


MFC Idaho and Washington Potatoes are available.  

Storage Crop

  • Idaho
    • MFC Burbank Potatoes are beginning to wind down; supplies will run through mid- to late August
    • Expect the market to soften with the start of the new crop season approaching
  • Sizing
  • 40- through 50-count supplies are limited
  • 90– through 120-count potatoes are readily available
  • Quality is good; air checks and pressure/shoulder bruising will be seen sporadically in remaining storage supplies
  • Air checks are tiny thumbnail-like cracks caused by stress due to abrupt temperature changes
  • Pressure and shoulder bruising (soft/external indents) result from constant contact with adjacent potatoes, or the floor, while raw product sits in storage piles

New Crop

  • Idaho
    • Norkotah harvesting will begin in the western part of the state early next week
    • Harvests in the southern and eastern areas of Idaho will start mid- to late August
    • New crop Burbanks will enter the market early October
  • Washington:
    • Norkotah production has begun
    • Quality is excellent; pack outs favor 90-through 120 count potatoes

Red and Yellow Potatoes

Storage crop MFC Red and Yellow Potato supplies are tight. New crop potatoes will start shipping in the Idaho and Midwest regions early next week.


  • MFC Red and Yellow Idaho Colored Potato volume is limited
  • Many suppliers have depleted storage stocks and are hauling potatoes from other regions to continue shipping out of Idaho
  • New crop Idaho potatoes will become available early next week


  • New crop red and yellow potatoes will begin to ship this week


  • New crop harvesting of red and yellow potatoes will begin in mid-August


  • New crop red and yellow potatoes are now being shipped


  • New crop harvesting of MFC Wisconsin Potatoes will begin next week  


Quality issues are being reported fruit out of Santa Maria and Watsonville, California as both growing regions have moved past peak production.

Santa Maria

  • MFC Strawberries are not available due to quality problems; the remaining crop will exhibit at least 20% bruising and 3% decay
  • Elevated temperatures have exacerbated the quality concerns; growers must heavily cull fruit
  • Berry size is small, ranging from 24-30 berries per one-pound clamshell
  • Quality will not improve through the month of August
  • New crop fall production is on schedule to start in late August/early September
  • Markon recommends quick inventory turns due to the extremely limited shelf-life


  • MFC Strawberries are available
  • Quality is average, at best, with berries exhibiting softness and bruising upon arrival, but not to the extent of Santa Maria’s crop
  • Markets will continue to rise as supplies are not meeting current demand

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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