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October 20, 2023

Growers have begun harvesting iceberg and leaf lettuce crops out of the Huron, California region this week. Salinas Valley supplies will remain available for two to three more weeks, while areas such as Oxnard, California will also ship orders before the Arizona/California desert season begins.

Markon First Crop (MFC) Premium Iceberg Lettuce is available. Overall quality, is good; weights range between 46 and 48 pounds. Recent high temperatures have challenged leaf lettuce items such as romaine and green leaf; issues include low case weights, misshaped heads, and varying levels of insect pressure. Markon Best Available (MBA) will be substituted as needed.

Markon inspectors are monitoring supplies in all major growing regions and will continue to update throughout the seasonal transition to the Arizona/California desert growing region.

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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