Onion prices remain elevated; demand exceeds supply. Markets will remain high for the next four to six weeks as new crop onions are delayed. White onion supplies remain scarce; markets are extreme in all regions. Markon First Crop (MFC) Onions are available out of storage from Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Colorado, and Washington.
- Pacific Northwest
- Supplies will wind down over the next two months; some smaller sheds have potential to finish in March
- Pack-outs in the Northwest are declining; some lots exhibiting internal browning will result in lower yields and diminishing storage supplies
- Colorado
- Expect supplies to be depleted by the end of February/early March
- Utah
- The season will finish mid-March
- Canada
- The season is coming to an end with very limited supply; pack-outs are low due to poor quality
- Texas
- The domestic season is slated to start mid-March; a normal crop is expected but demand will be stronger due to Mexican onion shortages
- Mexico
- Markets on the Mexico side of the border are keeping supplies from crossing into the U.S
- At this time, there is no specific timeline for onions to cross at regular intervals; overall crop is 30-40% lower than last year
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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