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May 16, 2024



  • Volume remains relatively low as harvests from the West Coast to Central Mexico over the next two weeks
  • Small and standard spears dominate availability; jumbo and extra-large sizes are tightening
  • Markets are steady to slightly lower amid weak demand

Other Regions

  • Peruvian stocks (imported to Miami) are sporadically available; shipping delays are leading to a boom-and-bust market
  • Domestic asparagus is shipping from California and the Pacific Northwest, but both seasons are winding down
  • The Michigan and Canadian harvests have begun early; supplies will remain available through June at minimum for those DCs that can take advantage of locally gown product

Chile Peppers

Chile pepper markets are slowly easing as new growing regions open on both coasts. Serrano and poblanos remain snug.

  • Mexican chili supplies are gradually improving
  • Warm weather in Sonora is enhancing yields and regular production is expected over the next week
  • The Baja Peninsula will get started mid-May with light volume
  • Mexicali has started their tomatillos which is helping overall supply
  • Poblanos and serranos continue to be scarce but will increase throughout May
  • Florida’s Plant City jalapenos are underway along with light supplies of Hungarians and poblanos; the Georgia season will start the third week of May
  • Growers have removed AOG clauses on jalapenos, anaheims, and tomatillos; serranos and poblanos continue to have restrictions
  • Prices will continue to decrease over the next two weeks


  • Ready-Set-Serve (RSS) Washed & Trimmed Cilantro is available
  • Production has slowed, causing markets to rise
    • Lower yields are being reported across Southern and Central California (the Oxnard, Santa Maria and Salinas Valleys)
    • Though crops have seen dry and relatively mild temperatures since early May, persistent cloud cover is slowing maturity
    • As a result, increased yellowing/weak leaves, seeder/bolting, and small bunch sizes are all expected to become more prevalent this week
  • Pests and disease pressure are minimal
  • Expect volatility in the cilantro market and lighter case weights over the next five to seven days


Small California lemons (165- and 200-count sizes) continue to tighten; the crop is dominated by large sizes (95- through 140-count fruit). The California Navel orange season is projected to wrap up in late May. California Valencia orange production has started.


  • Markon First Crop (MFC) and Essentials (ESS) Lemons are available  
  • Districts One and Two (the San Joaquin Valley and Southern California) are currently in production
  • 165- and 200-count sizes are extremely limited; size is dominated by 95- through 140-count lemons
  • Size and grade substitutions may be requested to fill orders on smaller sizes
  • The offshore season is expected to start in early June
  • Expect elevated markets and tight supplies



  • MFC and ESS Valencia Oranges are available
  • New crop supplies are dominated by large sizes (56- through 88-count fruit); small sizes (113- through 138-count fruit) will remain limited through the season
  • Quality is great; eating quality and color have been excellent with current testing showing an average of 12 to 13 Brix
  • Mexican Valencia supplies (crossing into Nogales, Arizona) will finish May 31
  • Expect elevated markets and tight supplies


  • MFC and ESS Navel Oranges are available
  • Small sizes (113- through 138-count fruit) remain extremely limited in California
  • California Navel season is expected to wrap up in late May
  • Expect good quality and elevated prices

Green Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine Lettuce

Iceberg prices have quickly rebounded as the Salinas Valley enters a period of tighter supplies. Green leaf and romaine markets are slightly lower as supplies remain sufficient.

  • MFC Premium Green Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine are available; Markon Best Available (MBA) is being substituted as needed due to low weights
  • Variable weather patterns over the last two weeks, with highs ranging from 56 to 81 degrees and lows ranging from 41 to 53 degrees, have both promoted and stunted iceberg field growth in particular
  • Disease pressure is still being found in some fields, although at significantly reduced rates; growth crack, fringe and internal burn, and mildew damage are being found in some lots
  • Demand remains strong, although it’s lower compared to the Mother’s Day holiday pull
  • Green leaf and romaine markets will remain steady to slightly lower over the next two weeks
  • Expect elevated iceberg markets for the next five to seven days; prices are expected to ease later next week


The Texas onion season is coming to an end due to recent rain and hail; the transition to New Mexico is underway. The California desert season will continue through the next three to four weeks and transition to the Central Valley in early- to mid-June.

Mexico and Texas

  • Texas-grown MFC Yellow and Red Onions are available this week in a limited manner
  • Heavy rain and hailstorms in the Uvalde and Wintergarden areas of Texas have wiped out the majority of remaining crops
  • Remaining quality is very good; occasional bruising, mechanical damage, and excess skin are typical of fresh-run onions
  • Mexican yellow and white onions continue to cross into South Texas; markets are lower
  • Red onion prices remain elevated due to strong demand and limited supply

Southern California

  • MFC Onions are available in the California desert region
  • Yellow and white stocks are sufficient; markets are lower
  • Red onion markets are elevated and supply is extremely limited; sizing is dominated by medium and small/jumbo onions
  • Internal quality is very good with some excess skin and occasional sunscald affecting outer appearance

New Mexico

  • Yellow and white onion supplies will be available next week in limited quantities
  • Red onions are expected by late May/early June
  • Good quality and ample supplies are expected by mid-June
  • Fresh-run onions possess higher water content and lower acids compared to storage onions, producing a sweeter flavor but shorter shelf-life


MFC Burbank and Norkotah Potatoes are available in Idaho and Washington.


  • MFC Norkotah stocks are expected to be depleted by late June; MFC Burbanks will be the sole variety for the remainder of the season
  • Supplies will run through mid- to late August
  • 40- to 50-count supplies are tight; six-week averages will be implemented for shipping large sizes through mid-August
  • 80- through 120-count stocks have ample supply


  • MFC Norkotah Potatoes will continue to ship from storage
  • Supplies will run out in mid-July, pushing demand toward suppliers with remaining stocks
  • Larger stocks (40- through 70-count) are readily available; smaller sizes (90- through 120-count) are snug

Colorado & Wisconsin

  • Norkotahs will wrap up in mid- to late August
  • All sizes are available


  • Overall quality is good; air checks, pressure, and shoulder bruising will be seen sporadically in remaining storage supplies (both Norkotahs and Burbanks) from all growing regions
    • Air checks are tiny thumbnail like cracks that are caused by stress due to abrupt temperatures
    • Pressure and shoulder bruising (soft, external indents) results from constant contact with adjacent potatoes, or the floor, while raw product sits in storage piles


Zucchini and yellow squash supplies are transitioning during the month of May; markets are low. MFC Zucchini and Yellow Squash are available.

  • Mexican, Sonora crops will have good volumes over the next two weeks then will slow down; overall quality is very good
  • The California season has started in a limited manner in Coachella; the Santa Maria region is on track to start June 1
  • Florida continues to harvest steady supplies out of the Plant City region; quality is mixed, especially yellow squash due to recent prolonged hot weather
  • Georgia’s new supply is underway but the heavy rain on May 9 will slow production this weekend; quality on zucchini is good while yellow squash is hit or miss
  • Expect low prices over the next two weeks

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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