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June 12, 2024

Fresh-run onions are available in California and New Mexico. Super colossal and medium yellows are limited. Red onion markets remain elevated but will ease as volume increases.

Northern California

  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Onions are available
  • Production is getting underway in the Huron area; the Bakersfield season will start at the end of the week
  • Quality is very good; loose skins and flaking are typical of fresh-run onions
  • A wide range of sizes are available, but super colossal yellows are limited
  • Expect a tight supply of red onions to start the season, but volume will quickly ramp up

New Mexico

  • MFC Onions are available
  • All three colors are being harvested
  • Production is increasing, slowly easing markets
  • Super colossal and medium yellows are snug; jumbos are abundant
  • Red onion demand is active, keeping markets elevated; prices will ease as volume increases
  • Quality is good; light sunburn and loose skins have been reported

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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