A series of devastating wildfires that started on Tuesday are severely impacting traffic flows and causing significant loss of life and property in the Los Angeles area. The state of California has issued a State of Emergency as more than 27,500 acres and over 1,000 homes have burned in Los Angeles County.
- Five fires are currently being fought within the greater Los Angeles area
- Severe traffic congestion is occurring in affected areas due to road closures and evacuation efforts
- Regional Southern California produce companies are navigating road closures and are currently able to work around them
- 4Earth Farms, Markon’s primary cross-dock facility located in the Los Angeles area, is currently not experiencing any disruptions in their daily operations at this time
- Markon recommends that logistics teams add additional time when booking loading appointments this week
- Markon will continue to monitor and update as more information becomes available
Please contact your Markon Account Manager for more information.
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