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September 6, 2022

Most major California growing regions, including the Salinas Valley, reached the peak of the current heat wave on September 5, with daytime highs that reached well into the 90°s near the coast to over 110° inland. These temperatures are 15°-30° above seasonal averages and will absolutely have a negative effect on the quality and shelf-life of row crops such as broccoli, lettuce, strawberries, and tender leaf items.

The heat is forecast to persist through Thursday, September 8 before the arrival of some tropical moisture that brings a chance of showers and possible thunderstorms on Saturday, September 10.

Maintaining the cold chain throughout distribution is critical for maximizing quality and shelf-life. Markon inspectors are currently assessing fields and will update further as the effects of the heat start to present themselves.

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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