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Epidermal peeling

Epidermal Peeling

Usually used in reference to lettuces, epidermal peeling is a quality defect caused by freezing temperatures. The outer layer of...

Fresh-run onions

Cured vs Fresh-Run Onions

Fresh-run onions exhibit light color and flaky skin, while typical cured storage-onion characteristics include globe-like shape, firm texture, dark skin,...

Forklift lifting boxes

Cold-Chain Management

Cold chain management is the control and maintenance of storage temperatures to prevent product deterioration and bacteria growth, as well...

An example of bloom drop

Bloom Drop

Bloom drop, or as it’s sometimes called—blossom drop, is when the bloom or flower of a vine crop (cucumbers, melons,...

The brix scale


The Brix scale was named for a 19th century German named A.F.W. Brix. This system is used in the United...

Hollow heart in potatoes

Hollow Heart

Hollow heart indicates an open cavity in the center of a potato that turns brown in more severe cases. Its...

Integrated Pest Management system

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

An IPM system seeks to implement socially responsible and economically feasible methods of reducing agricultural pests and promoting sustainable agriculture...

GMO Free labels


A genetically modified organism (GMO) is any item that has been altered at the molecular level. In agriculture, GMOs are...

USDA organic


The USDA’s National Organic Standards went into effect on October 21, 2002. The standards, established by the National Organics Standards...

Sustainability in the agricultural and foodservice industries


The goal of sustainability in the agricultural and foodservice industries is to meet the public’s food needs without compromising future...