UPDATE: BELL PEPPERS February 22, 2022 Bell pepper markets continue to rise due to inclement weather; red bell peppers are especially snug. Markon First Crop (MFC)...
FROM THE FIELDS: LIGHT LETTUCE CASE WEIGHTS February 22, 2022 Arizona/California desert iceberg case weights have fallen into the high 30s to mid-40 pound range. More low temperatures are forecast;...
UPDATE: MEXICAN AVOCADOS February 21, 2022 Tight supplies and elevated markets persist as Mexican growers work to refill the pipeline after last week’s avocado shipments were...
FROM THE FIELDS: DESERT LETTUCE ICE February 18, 2022 Temperatures in the Arizona/California desert region dipped into the low-to mid-30°s this morning, causing lettuce ice to form. Harvesting delays...
UPDATE: STRAWBERRIES February 18, 2022 Prices are easing in all regions; supplies have increased due to weak demand. Oxnard, California Sunny, rain-free weather is forecast...
UPDATE: BASIL February 18, 2022 Three weeks ago, cool weather and high winds slowed plant maturity in Mexico’s growing regions. Mexican-grown basil stocks are projected...
UPDATE: COLD WEATHER FORECAST FOR IDAHO February 17, 2022 Extremely low temperatures are forecast for next week in Eastern and Southern Idaho. This cold weather will affect potato production and delay...
UPDATE: MEXICAN AVOCADOS February 17, 2022 U.S. and Mexican officials are currently working to identify when the changes that were proposed in yesterday’s meeting will be...
UPDATE SUMMARY: WEEK OF FEBRUARY 17, 2022 February 17, 2022 Avocados As of February 12 Effective Saturday, February 12, 2022, the United States government has temporarily suspended avocado imports from...
UPDATE: GRAPES February 17, 2022 Prices are easing; volume is rising. Importers continue to battle shipping delays from South America (Chile and Peru) but the...
FROM THE FIELDS: ERRATIC DESERT WEATHER February 16, 2022 The Arizona/California desert region continues to experience erratic weather with cycles of heat followed by strong winds, and freezing morning...
UPDATE: ICEBERG AND ROMAINE February 16, 2022 Recent erratic weather patterns in the Arizona and California desert regions have resulted in decreasing supplies of romaine; the market...