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August 29, 2024

High prices will persist for two to three weeks amid tight supplies and transitioning growing regions. Markon First Crop Asparagus (MFC) is available; markets for larger sizes remain elevated.


  • Central Mexico
    • Production is winding down
    • Yields will continue decreasing throughout August
    • Quality is below average
    • Stalks are exhibiting elevated levels of feathering tips and seeder
  • Baja
    • Production will continue through October
    • Quality is better due to less persistent heat than in Central Mexico
    • Standard and large sizes are sufficient, but larger sizes are tight


  • Peruvian asparagus (shipped into Miami, Florida) remains available on the East Coast; yields are low but will increase as the southern hemisphere enters the spring season and temperatures increase

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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