High prices persist amid tight supplies and transitioning growing regions. Markon First Crop Asparagus (MFC) is available.
- Central Mexican production is nearly completely finished, with the Baja Peninsula taking over the lion’s share of production next
- Quality and shelf-life potential are below average; stalks are exhibiting elevated levels of seeder/feathering tips brought on by persistent heat and a lack of nighttime cooling
- Baja production will continue through October, before growers in Sonora and Mexicali begin harvesting
- While markets for all sizes are elevated, small, standard, and large sizes are sufficiently supplied, jumbo and extra-large sizes are more limited
- Expect markets to soften as additional fields open up and a slight cooling trend arrives in the region by mid-month
- Peruvian asparagus (shipped into Miami, Florida) remains available on the East Coast; yields are low but will increase as the Southern Hemisphere enters the spring season and temperatures increase
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