Bell pepper prices remain elevated. Transitions to new growing regions in Florida and California will begin in late April/early May. Markon First Crop and Markon Essentials Green and Red Bell Peppers are available.
Green Bells
- Mexican supplies are tight; spring crops were slow to mature due to cold evenings
- Smaller sizes are dominant; extra-large and large sizes are commanding high prices
- Quality is erratic; limited scarring and bruising are still evident after grading
- Florida volume remains low due to previous inclement weather
- Choice grade quality is average
- Extra-large and large sizes are limited
- Plant City production will start this week, adding overall supply to the region
- The state of Georgia is expected to start harvesting in mid- to late May
- Light green bell harvesting has begun in California’s Imperial Valley region; significant volume isn’t expected until late April
- Expect prices to remain elevated until California crops ramp up later this month
Red Bells
- Mexican supplies are fairly tight in the western and central regions as growers transition to spring acreage
- Quality is good
- The best lots are being shipped from high-tech greenhouses
- Florida grows very few colored bell peppers
- The spring Canadian greenhouse season is fully underway
- Expect prices to lower slightly this week
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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