Green bell pepper supplies are increasing in Florida and Mexico; markets are easing. Red bells have transitioned from California to Western Mexico. Markon First Crop (MFC) and Markon Essentials (ESS) Green and Red Bell Peppers are available.
Green Bells
- Mexican supplies are increasing due to favorable weather conditions and reduced demand
- Quality is good; all sizes are available
- Stocks are snug in Central Mexico (crossing in South Texas)
- Florida’s post-hurricane plantings are now being harvested; next weekend’s low temperatures could impact pepper growth
- Volume is sufficient in Central and South Florida
- Expect lower prices over the next two weeks
Red Bells
- Production will increase in Western Mexico’s Culiacan region over the next two weeks
- All sizes are available
- Quality is good; greening is occasionally being observed at pack out
- Central Mexico (crossing in South Texas) is predominately shipping choice-grade fruit
- California’s Coachella season is finishing up; most peppers are choice-grade supplies
- Expect stable prices until Culiacan reaches full production in mid-January
Please contact your Markon Account Manager for more information.
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