Broccoli and cauliflower markets are expected to increase due to cooler weather forecast for the Arizona and California desert growing regions.
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Broccoli is available in the CA/AZ desert growing region
- Cool weather is forecast to slow growth, resulting in fewer available supplies over the next 10-14 days
- Overall quality is good: pin rot is affecting some lots
- Demand is moderate, but expected to strengthen as the holiday pull ramps up
- Expect Arizona and California prices to increase over the next 10-14 days
Mexican Broccoli (into South Texas)
- MFC Broccoli is available (loading in South Texas)
- Supplies have rebounded following unseasonably low temperatures; prices are anticipated to remain fairly steady over the next two weeks
- Demand is moderate, but expected to strengthen as the holiday pull ramps up
- South Texas broccoli is expected to be $7.00 to $8.00 cheaper than stocks from the West Coast
- Markon Essentials Cauliflower is available in the CA/AZ desert growing region
- Cool weather is forecast to slow growth, resulting in fewer available supplies over the next 10-14 days
- Quality is strong with great color and ideal size
- Demand is moderate, but expected to strengthen as the holiday pull ramps up
- Expect Arizona and California prices to increase over the next 10-14 days
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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