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June 13, 2024

Iceberg markets continue to decline rapidly. Romaine prices are lowering as well; green leaf markets are fairly steady.


  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Premium Iceberg Lettuce is available; Markon Best Available (MBA) is being substituted sporadically due to low weights
  • Quality is very good; some fields are uneven in density and texture, but heads are easily sorted at harvest
  • Supplies have increased as growers work past the planting gap caused by early spring rains
  • Expect markets to continue lowering through June with ideal growing conditions

Green Leaf and Romaine

  • MFC Premium Green Leaf and Romaine Lettuces are readily available
  • Quality is very good; insect pressure and wind damage are being reported in some lots, but are being removed at harvest
  • Green leaf markets are anticipated to remain steady, at depressed levels, through June
  • Romaine prices are expected to continue declining through June

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information

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