Prices are substantially higher; volume is low as growers are working through older, lower-quality fruit. Markon First Crop (MFC) and Markon Essentials (ESS) Limes are available.
Veracruz, Mexico (into South Texas)
- Persistent rains are limiting harvests and impacting quality; markets are escalating
- Supplies remain dominated by large-size, 110- to 150-count limes; 200- to 250-count stocks are limited
- Due to declining quality, growers are reporting lower yields
- Expect rising markets and limited supplies for the next three to four weeks
- New crop harvests are expected to begin by the second week of October
- Markon recommends increased order lead time to avoid loading delays
Santander, Colombia
- Limes are available for loading out of Florida
- Prices are rising, trailing slightly behind Mexico
- Quality is good; occasional scarring has been reported during grading
- Expect markets to rise over the next two to three weeks in reaction to increased demand
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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