Expect to see quality challenges and elevated markets for the next 7-10 days. Strong markets are expected in all growing areas through the month of December.
Santa Maria, California
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Strawberries are available
- Volume remains limited; harvesting has been impacted by rain and cold overnight temperatures
- Quality concerns include soft skin, decay, white shoulders, and pin rot
- The season will end on December 31, 2022
- Expect strong demand and elevated markets through the month of December
Oxnard, California
- Volume remains limited; harvesting has been impacted by rain and cold overnight temperatures
- Quality concerns include soft skin, decay, white shoulders, and pin rot
- Expect strong demand and elevated markets through the month of December
Central Mexico (Loading in South Texas)
- Mexican production is increasing
- The industry is in a demand-exceeds-supply situation
- Border crossing delays have been reported
- Mexican fruit is being used to supplement the California shortage
- Quality is good; white shoulders and occasional overripening are issues
- Production has started in a limited manner
- Harvesting will increase over time and is expected to reach its peak by mid-December
- Early quality is good; expect small-to-medium fruit size
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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