Supplies remain limited in all California growing regions. Rainfall swept through the Oxnard, California growing region last night. Florida yields remain low due to recent freezing temperatures. South Texas supplies are tightening, as the region continues to help fill the shortages out of California and Florida.
Oxnard, California
- The Oxnard growing region received ½” to 1” of rain in the last 24 hours; most suppliers have canceled harvests for today
- Production is expected to begin this week; expect yields to be extremely low due to rains
- The Oxnard growing region is not expected to meet Valentine’s Day demand
- Suppliers will be relying on transfers of Mexican-grown fruit to supplement California shipments through late January at minimum
Santa Maria, California
- Previous rain is expected to delay new crop harvesting by two to three weeks
- The Santa Maria growing region is not expected to meet Valentine’s Day demand
- New crop fruit will enter the market in mid-February
Central Mexico (Loading in South Texas)
- Expect to see stocks tighten as Mexico fills shortages from California and Florida
- Quality is good; issues include white shoulders, expect small-to-medium size fruit
- Expect tight supplies and markets to strengthen the next 10 to 14 days
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Strawberries are available
- Expect lower yields this week due to past freezing temperatures and forecasted rain
- Quality is good; issues include white shoulders, expect small-to-medium size fruit
- Expect supplies to tighten and pricing to increase
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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