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June 13, 2024


Mexico’s normal-style avocado supplies are tightening as the season is rapidly winds now, while the loca-style crop is not expected to meet maturity standards until mid-July. California and Peruvian stocks will be shipped to help fill the void but will not meet U.S. avocado demand.


  • Expect limited supplies of the current normal-style crop as the season ends
  • New loca-style avocados will not meet maturity standards until mid-July
  • Size and grade substitutions may be requested to fill orders
  • Quality is good; checkerboarding (uneven ripening within a case) has been reported
  • Expect elevated markets and tight supplies through July


  • Supplies will ship through the month of August, when these crops start their seasonal declines
  • Size is currently dominated by 48- and 60-count No. 1 grade fruit
  • Quality is good; checkerboarding (uneven ripening) has been reported
  • Expect elevated markets and tight supplies through August as California helps fill the void from Mexico

Bell Peppers

Green bell pepper supplies are snug as both East and West Coast regions transition north; markets are up. Red bell pepper volume is adequate out of the California desert. Markon First Crop (MFC) and Markon Essentials (ESS) Green and Red Bell Peppers are available.

Green Bells

  • The California desert season is winding down, tightening supplies
    • Extra-large and large sizes are scarce
    • Early production will start in Bakersfield this week
  • The Georgia season is finishing up
    • Choice and small sizes dominate availability
    • Quality is average
    • North Carolina growers will start harvesting jumbo and extra-large sizes this week
  • Expect prices to remain elevated until new crop harvesting is well established

Red Bells

  • Supplies are steady out of the California desert region
    • Quality is excellent
    • All sizes are available
  • Mexico’s main season (into Nogales, Arizona) has ended; Central Mexico (crossing through South Texas) will start shipping limited supplies next week
  • Canadian greenhouse yields are low after a recent flush; quality is excellent
  • Expect slightly higher prices next week

Broccoli and Cauliflower

MFC Broccoli is limited; Markon Best Available (MBA) is being substituted. ESS Cauliflower is readily available.


  • California supplies are struggling to meet increased demand; total planted acreage is down and diminished quality has lowered yields further
    • Prices are elevated in Santa Maria and the Salinas Valley and set to continue rising through the week
    • Quality is fair; aesthetic defects like branchy crown structure, hollow cores, and yellowing from recent high heat are increasing
  • Mexican-grown product is available for loading in South Texas; supplies are tight and prices are elevated
    • A harvesting transition to higher elevation fields (to avoid excessive heat and thunderstorm activity) is minimizing availability; FOBs are comparable to California
    • Quality is fair; supplies are exhibiting elevated insect pressure, hollow cores, and bruising caused by larger crowns


  • Yields are rebounding this week
  • Supplies are abundant in the West Coast growing regions of Salinas and Santa Maria, California
  • Quality issues are minimal but include dark spotting, off-color, and inconsistent head size
  • Prices will continue to ease this week but remain relatively steady at above-average levels through June

Cantaloupe and Honeydew Melons

The domestic Arizona-California desert season is ramping up after a slower-than-normal start. Markets are slightly lower. MFC Cantaloupe and Honeydew are available.


  • Mexican supplies are limited; small, 15-count sizes are dominate availability
  • Georgia growers are now shipping the Athena variety throughout the East Coast
  • The domestic Arizona-California desert season is ramping up
    • Volume is increasing
    • High temperatures are increasing 9- and 9-count jumbo yields
  • Quality is good
    • Softness, ground spotting, and green cast are occasional issues
    • With temperatures exceeding 110 degrees this week, occasional soft fruit is to be expected
  • Expect markets to stair step down over the next one to two weeks


  • Mexican supplies continue to ship as needed; markets are weak
  • The Arizona-California desert season is ramping up
    • Prices are slightly lower
    • Due to high temperatures, supplies are now dominated by larger, 5- and 6-count fruit; 8-count melons are limited
  • Quality is good; soft fruit, ground spotting, soft fruit, and scarring are occasional issues
  • Expect markets to soften over the next one to two weeks

Chipping Potatoes

New crop chipping potatoes are available in California. The market is elevated due to strong demand.

New Crop

  • California supplies will be available through July
    • Early yields are thin-skinned, resulting in occasional mechanical damage in pack-outs
    • Skin sets will improve over the next few weeks
  • Arizona’s production will start end of June
  • Idaho will get underway in mid-August
  • Washington, New Mexico, and Canada will begin harvesting in early September


The 165- through 200-count lemon market remains elevated due to extremely low volume and strong demand. In early July, both offshore and Mexican lemons will supplement domestic supplies. The California Navel orange season is projected to wrap up in late June. California Valencia orange production is now in full swing.



  • MFC and ESS Lemons are available
  • The Southern California coastal region is currently the main growing area
  • Quality concerns include decay and scarring
  • Expect tight supplies and elevated markets over the next six weeks


  • Offshore fruit will begin shipping in late June and run through early December
  • The size profile will be dominated by large lemons (95- through 140-count fruit), but smaller sizes will be available as well
  • Expect higher pricing compared to domestic and Mexican fruit due to high quality


  • Mexican shipments are expected to begin in early July and will run through late November
  • The dominant size profile will be 165- through 235-count fruit but larger sizes will be available
  • Expect pricing to be comparable to domestic fruit until volume rises



  • MFC and ESS Valencia Oranges are available
  • New crop supplies are dominated by large sizes (56- through 88-count fruit); small sizes (113- through 138-count fruit) will remain limited through the season
  • Quality is great; eating quality and color are excellent
  • Expect steady markets at elevated levels


  • MFC and ESS Navel Oranges are available
  • Small sizes (113- through 138-count fruit) remain extremely limited in California
  • The California Navel season is expected to wrap up in late June
  • Expect high prices

Green Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine Lettuces

Iceberg markets continue to decline rapidly. Romaine prices are lowering as well; green leaf markets are fairly steady.


  • MFC Premium Iceberg Lettuce is available; Markon Best Available (MBA) is being substituted sporadically due to low weights
  • Quality is very good; some fields are uneven in density and texture, but heads are easily sorted at harvest
  • Supplies have increased as growers work past the planting gap caused by early spring rains
  • Expect markets to continue lowering through June with ideal growing conditions

Green Leaf and Romaine

  • MFC Premium Green Leaf and Romaine Lettuces are readily available
  • Quality is very good; insect pressure and wind damage are being reported in some lots, but are being removed at harvest
  • Green leaf markets are anticipated to remain steady, at depressed levels, through June
  • Romaine prices are expected to continue declining through June

Independence Day Schedule

Markon’s buying office will be closed on Thursday, July 4, 2024.

Listed below are the loading hours for key suppliers and commodities:

  • Markon’s Salinas consolidation dock, Misionero/Coastal Cooling, will operate from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. PDT
  • Taylor Farms’ loading dock will be open normal hours – appointments are highly recommended, limited first come-first-serve slots are available
  • 4Earth’s consolidation dock will be open normal hours
    • The Los Angeles Produce Market will be closed
    • 4Earth will not be able to purchase off the market
  • Northwest potato shipper’s sales offices and loading docks will be closed
  • Onion sheds will be closed in California and New Mexico

Per the attached spreadsheet matrix for order placement, many processors and commodity shippers will require specific order deadlines.

Mixed Berries

High temperatures have reduced raspberry volume in Central Mexico, but Watsonville growers are starting blackberry and raspberry production. The majority of blueberries are coming from California’s San Joaquin Valley.


  • The California season has begun
  • Mexican production has been slowed by high temperatures
  • Quality is good; no issues have been reported from Watsonville at this time
  • Expect steady markets


  • Watsonville harvesting is underway
  • Quality is good; expect good shine and firm texture
  • Demand is moderate
  • Expect prices to slowly increase


  • Harvesting has begun in California’s San Joaquin Valley
  • Quality is very good
  • Expect markets to remain stable


Fresh-run onions are available in California and New Mexico. Super colossal and medium yellows are limited. Red onion markets remain elevated but will ease as volume increases.

Northern California

  • MFC Onions are available
  • Production is getting underway in the Huron area; the Bakersfield season will start at the end of the week
  • Quality is very good; loose skins and flaking are typical of fresh-run onions
  • A wide range of sizes are available, but super colossal yellows are limited
  • Expect a tight supply of red onions to start the season, but volume will quickly ramp up

New Mexico

  • MFC Onions are available
  • All three colors are being harvested
  • Production is increasing, slowly easing markets
  • Super colossal and medium yellows are snug; jumbos are abundant
  • Red onion demand is active, keeping markets elevated; prices will ease as volume increases
  • Quality is good; light sunburn and loose skins have been reported


Temperatures will be mild for the rest of the week. Strawberry quality in both growing regions of Santa Maria and Salinas/Watsonville will remain strong. Clear, mild days will improve the fruit.

Santa Maria, California

  • MFC Strawberries are available
  • Quality is good
  • Size currently is 20-21 per 8/1-pound clamshell
  • Size is medium
  • Limited overripening and light bruising are being reported
  • Expect markets to remain steady

Salinas/Watsonville, California

  • MFC Strawberries are available
  • Size is currently 15-17 per 8/1-pound and 30-34 per 4/2-pound
  • Quality is good;  expect full color and sweet flavor
  • Fanning, misshapen, and light bruising are being reported
  • Size is medium-large
  • Expect markets to remain steady

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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