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June 20, 2024


Avocado harvesting, packing, and shipping operations have been suspended in Michoacan, Mexico since Friday June 14 due to threats made against USDA Inspectors. It may take as long as two to three weeks before operations are back up and running. Markon will continue to update as news develops.

  • Inventories of Mexican avocados are low
    • The current crop is winding down and the next crop (Loca) crop is just getting underway
    • Mexico-grown avocado inventories stored in the U.S will be depleted by July 1
  • Supplies will remain extremely limited even after the suspension is lifted
    • New crop Loca stocks will begin shipping in mid-July
    • Expect it to take another 7 to 10 days for that fruit to ripen
  • California and Peruvian stocks will be shipped to help fill the void but will not meet U.S demand
  • Size, grade, and country of origin substitutions may be requested to fill orders
  • Markets are increasing daily

Bell Peppers

Red bell pepper supplies are tightening; prices are elevated. Green bell pepper supplies are slowly increasing in all regions. Markon First Crop (MFC) and Markon Essentials (ESS) Green and Red Bell Peppers are available.

Red Bells

  • California desert supplies are tightening due to excessive heat accelerating the ripening process
  • All sizes are available; quality is average
  • The Bakersfield/Somis growing regions are expected to start July 8
  • Canadian greenhouse supplies are improving; quality is excellent
  • Expect elevated markets over the next two weeks

Green Bells

  • The California season has transitioned to Bakersfield and supplies are increasing
  • Larger sizes dominate availability; quality is good
  • North Carolina suppliers are harvesting jumbo and extra-large stocks, but smaller sizes are scarce; quality is very good
  • The Georgia season is finishing up with smaller sizes and average quality
  • Regional summer crops will start in Kentucky, New Jersey, Ohio, and Pennsylvania around mid-July
  • Expect slightly lower prices next week


MFC Premium Broccoli is limited; Markon Best Available (MBA) and packer label supplies are being substituted to maintain 100% order fill.

  • California supplies are struggling to meet increased demand; total planted acreage is down and cooler, windy weather has lowered yields
    • Santa Maria and Salinas prices are elevated and expected to continue rising through the week
    • Quality is fair; aesthetic defects like branchy crown structure, hollow cores, and yellowing are minor but prevalent
  • Mexican-grown product is extremely tight
    • Prices remain on a steep rise, keeping pace with West Coast markets
    • Quality is below average; high heat has increased crown size and caused elevated insect pressure, hollow cores, and floret bruising
  • Expect high markets to persist through June before tailing off when domestic/local yields rebound



  • MFC and ESS Lemons are available  
  • Small-size lemons (165- through 235-count fruit) remain extremely limited
  • Expect to make country of origin, size, and/or grade changes to help fill orders for small sizes
  • Elevated pricing is forecast for the next six weeks


  • Offshore fruit from Argentina and Chilewill begin arriving into North America in mid-June June and run through early December
  • These shipments will help fill the demand not met by California lemons
  • Size will be dominated by large lemons (95- through 140-count fruit) but smaller sizes will be available as well
  • Expect higher pricing compared to domestic and Mexican fruit due to high quality


  • Mexican shipments are expected to begin in mid-June and will run through late November
  • These supplies will help fill the demand not met by California lemons
  • Size will be predominately 165- through 235-count fruit but larger sizes will be available
  • Expect pricing to be comparable to domestic fruit until volume rises

Green Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine

Iceberg markets are inching down. Green leaf and romaine prices are fairly steady at low levels.


  • MFC Premium Iceberg Lettuce is available; Markon Best Available (MBA) is being substituted sporadically due to low weights.
  • California quality is very good; some fields are uneven in density and size, but heads are being sorted at harvest
  • Supplies have been limited in Central Mexico due to extended periods of dry, hot weather; this has shifted demand to the West Coast
  • East Coast regional production will start in late June to early July, supplementing industry availability and easing prices
  • Expect markets to continue decreasing through June into July

Green Leaf and Romaine

  • MFC Premium Green Leaf and Romaine Lettuces are readily available
  • California quality is very good; insect pressure and wind damage are being reported in some lots
  • East Coast regional production will start in late June to early July, reducing demand on the West Coast
  • Expect weak prices through June and into July


Washington pears are winding down for the season; imports are available from Argentina and Chile. California pears will start in the next four to five weeks.


  • Smaller size 120-count and 135-count D’Anjou are available while supplies last; the remainder of the domestic D’Anjou crop will exhibit very good quality
  • Bosc pears are done for the season
  • Bartlett pears from Argentina and Chile are available over the next four to six weeks; quality is excellent
  • Markets are on the rise as demand increases


  • Bartlett pears will start mid- to late July
  • Suppliers pack and sell by the count as opposed to the volume-fill method used in Washington
  • California suppliers ship 40-pound packs; Washington suppliers use 44-pound cartons
    • Due to this pack difference, California ships approximately six to 10 fewer pieces of fruit per unit compared to Washington
    • The attached photos show Washington and California pear packs
  • Preliminary crop estimates for Bartletts are down 10% from last year
  • Fruit size will be well balanced and quality is expected to be excellent
  • Pricing will be elevated to begin the season but will decline as we move into August


MFC Burbank and Norkotah Potatoes are available in Idaho and Washington.


  • MFC Norkotah stocks will be depleted by late June; MFC Burbanks will be the sole variety for the remainder of the season
  • Supplies will run through mid- to late August
  • 40- to 50-count supplies are extremely tight; six-week averages will be implemented for shipping large sizes through mid-August
  • Supply if ample for 80- through 120-count stocks


  • MFC Norkotah Potatoes continue to ship from storage
  • Supplies will run out in mid-July, pushing demand toward suppliers with remaining stocks
  • Profile is peaking on smaller sizes (90- through 120-count)


  • Norkotahs will wrap up mid- to late August
  • Volume is plentiful for all sizes


  • Overall quality is good; air checks, pressure, and shoulder bruising will be seen sporadically in remaining storage supplies (both Norkotahs and Burbanks) from all growing regions
    • Air checks are tiny thumbnail like cracks that are caused by stress due to abrupt temperatures
    • Pressure and shoulder bruising (soft, external indents) results from constant contact with adjacent potatoes, or the floor, while raw product sits in storage piles


Onion markets are rising as demand for domestic onions is strong. Last week’s surge of onions from Mexico (into Texas) has slowed dramatically and redirected purchases to California and New Mexico. This week’s rain in New Mexico will lower overall yields heading into next week.

Northern California

  • MFC Onions are available
  • The Huron and Bakersfield seasons are in full swing
  • Quality is very good; loose skins and flaking are typical of fresh-run onions
  • Markets are showing strength as demand has increased
  • Yellow onions are dominated by jumbo supplies; medium stocks are limited
  • Red onions leaning heavier to medium size

New Mexico

  • MFC Onions are available
  • Quality is good; light sunburn and loose skins have been reported
  • Prices are rising due to strong demand
  • Super colossal and colossal yellows are limited; the size profile is shifting to mediums
  • Jumbo red onions will tighten as medium supplies become more plentiful


Ideal temperatures are expected in the Santa Maria and Watsonville/Salinas growing regions. Expect great quality and steady markets next week.

Santa Maria, California

  • MFC Strawberries are available
  • Quality is good
  • Size currently is 21-24 per 8/1-pound clamshell and 32-40 in 4/2-pound clamshells
  • Size ranges from small to medium
  • Occasional overripening and light bruising are being reported
  • Expect markets to remain steady

Salinas/Watsonville, California

  • MFC Strawberries are available
  • Size is currently 15-17 per 8/1-pound clamshell and 30-32 in 4/2-pound clamshells
  • Quality is good;  expect full color and sweet flavor
  • Fanning, misshaped berries, and light bruising are being reported
  • Size ranges from medium to large
  • Expect stable prices

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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