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June 6, 2024



  • Total industry volume is increasing slowly, as the harvesting transition from the West Coast to Central Mexico continues
    • Lack of rainfall has delayed production in Central Mexico for 10-14 days
    • Sufficient numbers out of Southern Baja have helped to avoid any supply gaps
  • Size is evenly distributed
  • Markets are trending slightly lower amid weak demand and nearly abundant supplies

Other Regions

  • Peruvian stocks (imported to Miami) are available, production will be focused in the northern regions, as the southern hemisphere begins to enter the winter months
  • Domestic asparagus is shipping from California and the Pacific Northwest but both seasons are winding down
  • The Michigan and Canadian seasons have also started to see slight week-over-week declines as they are set to wrap up by late June/early July


Celery transition from Oxnard, California to Salinas, California is underway.

  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Celery is available
  • The Salinas season has started in a limited manner; volume will ramp up next week
  • Oxnard production will run through mid-June; Santa Maria, California harvests will continue year-round
  • Michigan production will begin in July
  • Quality is excellent in all regions; disease pressure is minimal
  • Expect steady to slightly lower markets in the coming weeks as the Salinas season ramps up

From the Fields: Salinas Valley Heat

Current weather forecasts are calling for a heat wave that will affect California’s Salinas Valley beginning Tuesday, June 4. Areas near the coast will reach the high 70s to low 80s and inland areas will see mid-80s to as high as triple digits by Wednesday, June 5.

Temperatures will start to cool down on Thursday June 6, but will remain slightly above average through the weekend.

Markon inspectors are keeping a close eye on lettuce and other row crops that will be harvested from the warmer regions this week. Quality challenges that could develop include:

  • Bolting/seeder
  • Dehydration/heat stress
  • Increased insect pressure
  • Internal burn
  • Shortened shelf-life
  • Sun scalding

Green Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine Lettuce

Iceberg markets have peaked and are inching down. Green leaf and romaine prices continue to decline.


  • MFC Premium Iceberg Lettuce is available; Markon Best Available (MBA) is being substituted as needed due to low weights
  • Demand is weaker than prior weeks due to market fatigue
  • This week’s warm weather will promote growth in the Salinas Valley
  • Quality is good although head density and weights fluctuate throughout the fields
  • Markets are expected to be slightly lower, at elevated levels, for the next 7-10 days before decreasing significantly as supplies rebound

Green Leaf and Romaine

  • MFC Premium Green Leaf and Romaine Lettuces are available
  • Quality is very good; insect pressure and wind damage are being reported in some lots but are being removed at harvest
  • Green leaf markets prices are approaching the bottom
  • Romaine prices are expected to continue falling into June


The 165- through 200-count lemon market remains elevated due to extremely low volume and strong demand. In early July, both offshore and Mexican lemons will supplement domestic supplies.


  • MFC and Markon Essentials (ESS) Lemons are available  
  • Small-size lemons (165- through 235-count fruit) remain extremely limited
  • Expect to make size and/or grade changes to help fill orders for small sizes
  • Elevated pricing is forecast for the next six weeks


  • Offshore fruit will begin shipping in late June and run through early December
  • The size profile will be dominated by large lemons (95- through 140-count fruit) but smaller sizes will be available as well
  • Expect higher pricing compared to domestic and Mexican fruit due to high quality


  • Mexican shipments are expected to begin in early July and will run through late November
  • The size profile will be 165- through 235-count fruit but larger sizes will be available
  • Expect pricing to be comparable to domestic fruit until volume rises


Drought conditions are impacting supplies in Mexico; markets are poised to rise. MFC and ESS Limes are available. 

  • Growers in Mexico are harvesting fruit early to avoid heat-related quality issues
    • Stocks are dominated by smaller, 200-through 250-count sizes
    • Larger, 110-through 175-count sizes are extremely limited
  • Colombian fruit is being shipped as needed to cover larger sizes when Mexican fruit is unavailable
  • Overall quality is good; anticipate increased blanching, stylar, thinner rinds, and lower juice content due to severe drought conditions
  • Expect higher prices for the next three to four weeks


Fresh-run onions are available in California and New Mexico. Extreme temperatures will force growers to end the Southern California season this week and move north. Prices are easing as supplies increase.

Southern California

  • MFC Onions are available in the California desert region
  • Growers are wrapping up harvests this week
  • Increasing seeder issues are tightening supplies
  • Limited labor hours due extreme heat is also reducing availability

Northern California

  • MFC Onions are available
  • Production is getting underway in the Huron area; the Bakersfield season will start late next week
  • Quality is very good; loose skins and flaking are typical of fresh-run onions
  • A wide range of sizes are available, but super colossal yellows are limited
  • Expect tight red onion supplies at the start of the season, but volume will quickly ramp up

New Mexico

  • MFC Onions are available
  • All three colors are being harvested
  • Production is ramping up, slowly easing markets
  • Super colossal and medium yellow are limited; jumbos are abundant
  • Red onion demand is active, keeping markets elevated; prices will ease as volume increases
  • Quality is good; light sunburn and loose skins have been reported


MFC Burbank and Norkotah Potatoes are available in Idaho and Washington.


  • MFC Norkotah stocks will be depleted by late June; MFC Burbanks will be the sole variety for the remainder of the season
  • Supplies will run through mid- to late August
  • 40- to 50-count supplies are extremely tight; six-week averages will be implemented for shipping large sizes through mid-August
  • Ample supply of (80- through 120-count) stocks


  • MFC Norkotah Potatoes continue to ship from storage
  • Supplies will run out in mid-July, pushing demand toward suppliers with remaining stocks
  • Volume is solid on all sizes


  • Overall quality is good; air checks, pressure, and shoulder bruising will be seen sporadically in remaining storage supplies (both Norkotahs and Burbanks) from all growing regions
    • Air checks are tiny thumbnail like cracks that are caused by stress due to abrupt temperatures
    • Pressure and shoulder bruising (soft, external indents) results from constant contact with adjacent potatoes, or the floor, while raw product sits in storage piles


Warm weather is forecast in the Watsonville/Salinas growing region as well as Santa Maria on June 4 and 5. The heat won’t negatively affect fruit, rather it will increase sugar levels, sweetening berries.

Santa Maria, California

  • MFC Strawberries are available
  • Temperatures must be sustained above 80 degrees up to 4 hours, for 4 days in a row to allow the berries to start exhibiting heat damage
  • Quality is good
  • Size ranges from 17 to 21 berries per 8/1-pound clamshell
  • Limited overripening and light bruising are being reported
  • Expect markets to remain steady

Salinas/Watsonville, California

  • MFC Strawberries are available
  • Temperatures must be sustained above 80 degrees up to 4 hours, for 4 days in a row to allow the berries to start exhibiting heat damage
  • Size ranges from 13 to 15 berries per 8/1-pound pack and 27 to 32 berries per 4/2-pound carton
  • Quality is good; expect full color and sweet flavor
  • Size is medium
  • Expect markets to remain steady

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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