Tomatoes prices are elevated. Severe weather events in multiple tomato growing regions (Florida and Mexico) will cause unstable, rising prices through January 2023.
- The round and Roma tomato seasons are quickly winding down in North Carolina and Tennessee
- Growers in the North Florida region of Quincy (unaffected by Hurricane Ian) will start harvesting later this week; production will run through October
- Florida’s central and southern growing regions of Estero, Labelle, Ruskin, Naples, and Immokalee experienced major crop loss from Hurricane Ian
- Growers are still assessing damage and salvaging as much as possible
- Expect smaller tomatoes with scarring in November and December
- Grape/cherry tomatoes will rebound two weeks prior to round/Romas due to faster growing cycles
- The California round and Roma seasons will wind down over the next two weeks
- 105-degree weather and rain throughout September have greatly reduced overall quality
- Size is dominated by small tomatoes
- Mexico’s Baja Peninsula has limited volume of Roma, round, and grape tomatoes due to Hurricane Kay
- Western Mexico (Sinaloa region) experienced flash flooding damage from Hurricane Orlene that will lower December/January volume
- Eastern Mexico’s cherry, grape, round, and Roma supplies are expected to increase after the cool/rainy temperatures in early October
- Expect prices to escalate over the next two months
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